Comfort shows/tv
Benefits of working less and when you want to work
I find telehealth more draining
Abrupt Client Termination
Reported to the board
Creating my ideal schedule
What would you prefer for a schedule
Hi everyone! What do you all wear for work? I'm about to start my practicum & I want to start building my wardrobe!
What do you fill your time away from work with?
I’ve tried every schedule under the sun
Benefits of offering client slots on weekends? Starting PP soon.
"I need evening sessions"
What is something that drastically improved your mental health?
Feeling like me as a therapist- fashion edition
am i cut out for this job?
Starting private practice - advice for no shows/late cancellations
What did burnout feel like for you?
Reschedule requests that become cancellations: when to charge a cancellation fee?
EMDR equipment
Feeling evil for charging cancellation fee
It’s my first year of private practice and WOW does anyone else get mega insecure when being ghosted by a client?
Is there anyone in here who actually enjoys being a therapist and loves their job?
Drops in caseload- advice wanted
Thinking about going completely OON