Wildcard Kitchen
Hopefully a spoiler
TOC or Top Chef
Only had one episode with them, but I'm gonna miss these two
Can we be mean for a moment?
Simon M. Then & Now
Imagine if other shows had blind judging
Prize from instagram
Some thoughts on TOC S6
WATCH THREAD: TOC Qualifier Rounds 3 & 4 + BRACKET REVEAL (woohoo!)
Wild Card Kitchen -Tiffani
Why are conservatives so anti-immigration?
Where is the daily premium subscription gone?
Day 34
Another gift
S2E6 Wildcard Kitchen
Bountiful Harvest
Definitely the hardest quest yet, IMO... Day 33 - 13
New reward
I think I'm losing it! I am pretty sure I didn't buy an inventory slot, but it been bought...
Day 33
Paused WildCard Kitchen at the perfect moment to catch some evidence regarding the “use their own money” idea.
So many producers