Followers of Joshua Christ
I didn't ever want to come here but....
Save us Joshua, you're our only hope🫣
Slogo is hot yes or no?
Who else will miss slg?
Crainer beat my high score on subway surfers
Guys its been an offical week since slg ended😭😭😭
The mods care!
Slogo dies He choked to death
Fin talking in cat language 🐱🐈
Josh im worried. You're losing alot of weight im concerned and i hope your life is okay! (Fist photo from 2 months ago, the other are mor recent)
Is a W? Kwebbelkop has blocked me on Twitter for some reason
Who looks better with glasses
Why does cool guy look like that?
Crainer but over thinking whats the meaning of life
Crainer & Fin should get this ( up vote this give Josh to see it )
Tell me why...
I think we all need to address somthing serious.
What IS your Favorit Parts of robust reacts
Who is this?{wrong answers only}
who is this (wrong ansers only )
Fin has a channel get it to 100 votes