I have a dilemma.
What’s ur favorite picture of billie?
An art piece I designed a while back!
Hardest song to sing?
which billie song sounds HORNY but has SAD lyrics?
Which year did you became a Billie fan
Which era was the best
What is one song from billie that really resonated you?
Guys I think these are her favorite shorts
I thought it’s a Blosh 😭
I got HMHAS target exclusive record and it sounded terrible :(
Do You Think We'll See Billie Eilish In Euphoria?
photos of billie in Brisbane
Common theme in albums?
y’all remember in 2017-2019 when Billies music was featured in basically every high school related show??
The colors of WWAFAWDWG Day 12: listen before i go is a blue grayish so what is i love you?
If you could remove and replace 3 songs from the HMHAS Tour Setlist what are you taking and why?
Songs where there's a ringtone
My lockscreen
One of my favorite heartwarming pictures from HMHAS 2024💕
is that Billie?
Getting upvotes on this subreddit is so easy, all i have to say is "billie eilish is so hot"
My Billie Song Ranking, Opinions?
Opposite songs
We won