Mike was (somehow) chosen for day 7!! Who's a character who's morally gray and hated by fans
The ceasefire has ended, and the war has returned with force. Please don't forget us. 😭🇵🇸
Does Elon Musk have a thing for Baphomet, the Templat god and another name for Satan? I'm inclined to believe all the elite worship Satan
How would Sam and Dean from SPN fare against Gaunter?
If Geralt retired and had to take a modern job, what would he be doing? Private investigator? Bodyguard? Or maybe... an influencer?
What the actual fuck is this thumbnail
I don't understand some of the hate Uncharted 3 gets
So is game remaster any good?
Not fond of narratives of Wayne's parents being "corrupt". Them being noble elites who tried to do the right thing gives meaning to Batman's mission
To all you thugs from Gotham city, what was the WORST experience you had with batman? Like as a thug from Central city it cant be that bad, right?
Some more heat for y’all
Do you think that the Seven are an accurate depiction of how superheroes would be irl?
Who is more forgivable?
what do you think about this game?
what’s the version of Gotham you prefer most and why?
(i think CJ overreacted) After being dumped by CJ, Mordecai;
Just been meaning to ask, but why haven’t The Seven faced any actual Supervillains?
Busted💦💦💦 (I don't block the names!)(I don't know the names or give a fuck about these whores at all!!)(Stop Complaining and Enjoy!)
Thick bunny needs a bbc pounding ❄️🐰
This leaves me conflicted.
Where tf is the ass clapping at???
The 2 Most Hated Rigby Episodes. Which One Is Worse?
What if the thing met a viltrumite
Maybe the show needs an hopeful ending. I need ryan to be the world's first superman so bad. Maybe it's kinda cheesy, but i would love it.
Did i screw up this quest?