Will not film herself in anything but this black zip up
The clothes are falling off again 🙃
Oh look another eventful day in the life
Someone asked Memaw for “high-quality” dating advice 💀
Is that water or vodka in Memaw’s cup?
It’s a cycle for her
The “Skinnay Legend” and her mom
Jess apparently doesn’t want to be like other girls
The song choice 😐
Memaw is a gangster, too
The *original* legend was complimented for her perfume
Memaw pulling a Molly Rutter move
Shera/“Sprinkle, sprinkle” lady mentioned 💀
Jess is talking about herself here
I watched it so you don’t have to
I don’t know any East Coast person that eats like this and I’m from NJ
Not Another Date Night for Memaw
Creators like Molly?
That awful egg scramble and another gym bro encounter
Oh man, Jess
She deleted this one quickly
To person who couldn’t upload the recent video, here you go.
Yesterdays deleted video
I just got blocked 😂
Me on zoom trying to convince the Dean to let me transfer to BA Filmmaking mid semester because my crush is on that course