I don't know about you guys but this Indian muslim sub community is really master at playing victim
Why are Indians stereotyped that they smell?
Tamil Nationalist posting "We Iz Different sir" on our neighbouring country subreddit 💀
What happened? Why are Mughal descendents living in poverty while the royal families of jodhpur and Mewar remained rich and powerful? Please give ma historical background
Angurio binimoy a popular historical fiction tale of Aurangzeb sister Roshan ara and shivaji's romance.
What coaching is Best for rbi grade b prep
Sikhs capture Delhi (1783)
Why does casteism still exist in the Indian Army?
What are the World Class Indian Movies according to you
Is India is totally failed country
Isn't the MPSC exam always in Marathi? Why do people get triggered by this news?
What is the reason behind the Indian Congress always being pro-Russia and anti-Western allies?
New historian in making
प्रत्येक मराठी माणसाने हे वाचावे
मराठी बोला, मराठीत व्यवहार करा ! महाराष्ट्रात राहून मराठी माणसांनी मराठीत बोलणं ही आपली ओळख आहे. आपण मराठी बोललो तरच परप्रांतीय आपली दखल घेतील. मोठ्या कंपन्यांना मराठी मुलांना कामावर घ्यावे लागेल. मराठीचा द्वेष करणाऱ्यांना जरब बसेल
What's the saddest movie you've seen?
Do you think this movie is overrated
Talk on Erasing Indian Muslims in the Past & Present by Audrey Truschke at University of Delaware, Tuesday March 18, 3:55pm go 5:15pm
As debt mounts, Maharashtra cuts Ladki funds, stalls loan waiver
Do Indian Muslims have any history
War call off
न्यूनगंड / inferiority complex : constant Maratha bashing by Rajput a sign of inferiority complex they inherited
उत्तर भारतीयांनी परकीय आक्रमणाविरुद्ध तेव्हाही आपली साथ दिलेली नाही. आज तेच उत्तर भारतीय आपल्याला धर्माच्या नावाखाली धर्मासाठी एकत्र या म्हणून सांगत आहेत. मुंबईत उत्तर भारतीय सेना स्थापन करून मुंबईवर हक्क सांगत आहेत.
Rajput Raja Ram Singh Kachhwaha of Jaipur Destroyed Temples on Aurangzeb’s Orders