Have a dentist appointment tomorrow, will they tell my parents?
I just got finessed
overpayed by 50 for this stupid shart. what should I name it
Can somebody tell me I'm worth something?
I watched a documentary and now I want to harm myself.
Watched a documentary and now I wanna harm myself.
Is there going to be another book?
Any advice for chores?
When I drink water my heart beats really fast and I feel out of breath.
How do I know if I have an intestinal blockage?
My dog is in so much pain.
Can't stop crying and I genuinely feel useless
I'm terrified to go to the obgyn
Right side of back and my chest/heart area hurt so bad its bringing me to tears.
Stop! This is a weird check, give the authorities your last saved image.
what did yall get?
My chest and back hurt to the point of tears.
Chat I'm nauseous
What did you get?
Horny check, what is your last saved image
Feel super nauseous for 16/17 hours??
What is the most random AU you’ve come across?