Mark Arbor - Belong Together (pitch +0.5)
Best most isolating custom in-ear monitor <$1000?
my sensitivity is killing me
Most triggering food/drink
Anyone else find random inappropriate stuff upsetting?
when an INFP stops being unusual and eccentric, it’s like an angel losing its wings💔
How to Respond
Stress + multiple noises at once = criminal behavior
Loud peeing noises (the 'shhhh' sound)
Sibilant talkers?
What causes misophonia for most people?
Is there a smell version of misophonia? I know it wouldn't be called misophonia. :)
I want a family
A list of noises
most human beings are mentally unwell
I drew this rabbit, do you like it?
I screwed up
Clicks Tongue, Tsk, Tutting
I wrote a prose poem of sorts
Made a little bunny for my loops
I have a strong aversion to LOOONG and never-ending noises.
My mum biting her nails and dog licking himself