Reddit has started banning communities in order to align more closely with the US administration. If you were looking for a smoking gun Reddit is already compromised, this is it.
These fascist Wine Bottles in Italy
All my oil paintings ever, in order.
(M24) looking for grooming advice: medium vs long hair and short vs medium beard
“She’s trying to get used to everything“ - said by dog owner at the grocery store in regards to its barking.
Reddit running Amway ads?
“Go to the dog park bar” they said. “It’ll be fun” they said.
Is there a Spotify Premium apk with lyrics?
Yall think braids would suit me?
People who almost took their own lives, what stopped you?
Right... Because all men are born without diaphragms -_-
My family wants a holiday in turkey the problem for me is I've heard its very dog centric 😬😬
What do you do that completely obliterates your anxiety?
is manscaped worth it?
I can pop both of my thumbs out of their socket and bend them like this.
Thanks, I hate how my thumb pops out of its socket and bends backwards. (I have been told to stop doing this.)
Thanks, I hate how I can play with my collarbones.
Armpit hair advice
[M4A] So many plot ideas for some wacky romance! Long-term, 3rd person, literate, historical setting (but can adapt)
[M4A] So many plot ideas for some wacky romance! Long-term.
Help me figure out a body hair mystery.
This exists