I made a playlist of every song that is referenced in ”Metal machine”
What the hell, he chose these people?
I dont get it, they have the same beliefs on economic and social issues, they are the ideological successors of Bernie
Blue-green tag team strikes again
Bro just why?
All your interests in one place.
Rule 4 restrictions are now lifted
Give it to me comrade
Choose a meal
Here’s what I’m listening to today. How about y’all?
Unhinged Shit Leftist calls for the mass televised Rape of women who voted for Trump. You can’t make this shit up shit leftists just won’t stop being shit
What's your name without these letters?
ama bc im boredddd
Reveal the 4th picture in your camera roll (sigma check)
Guns are perfectly safe to the left, as long as they protect the ruling class
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Beavis and Butthead.
Top comment changes the map: South America edition. Day 1.
My son was born today, What should i name him
French "culture" is beautiful 😍
What’s your favorite and least favorite thing about metal culture?
is it gay to wanna buy a dildo just to suck on it?
Read the article? Yeah, no thank you
Only 29% of Americans approve of the Democratic Party according to CNN poll