So if Jews get to have their own state, should black Americans also get their own state?
Where do people go after gentrification?
Is this war more about more than just Assad?
Should I do it?
Would you ever approach one of those loud intimidating girls?
Are black girls underrated?
So since Jews have their own state should Black Americans also get their own state?
Is Kensington North Philly? Is it Northeast?
So how do dems wins the next election? By going to middle or going the left?
10% and 1% are further apart then you think
Is there a way to see the exact location of the store before ordering?
do black people get cold easily
So if the Jews need Israel then why do so many of jews not live in Israel?
What is college like during the summer?
How do you decide whether to go direct or indirect
Why is Bridesburg so racist?
Laundry is racist
Why do democrat presidents deport more immigrants than republican presidents?
I don’t ever wanna make things official with a girl
CMV: presidential elections are more important than down ballot races
Is it rude to approach a girl while she’s eating?
Am I the only one who is worried that someone will use AI to falsely accuse me of something???
Am I the only one who doesn’t care about this Ukraine shit?