Why Is Sharon Never Wrong?
Gabby's Babies
Day 5: Which book has the best parent?
Let's settle this : Pink or Blue?
Which housewife would you want the post-show spin-off to be about?
Ellie's Dad
Which is the best Disney sequel?
Does anyone hate the scene when Anastasia and Drizella destroy Cinderella’s pink dress?
Where is Bernie?
Disney villains postage stamps!!
Danielle in season 6 🩷 gorg
Dean wasn't wrong to dismiss Anisa's idea about bankrupting a young child.
Peter Dinklage Said the Seven Dwarfs Are an Insult, but the Reality Is More Complex
Guess the EastEnders character from The Sims... part 3
Bojack and Lynette?! Is this a crossover episode?
Disney Princess alphabet challenge: What does ‘E’ stand for? (quote or phrase)
Day 4: Which book has the cruelest twist of fate?
Opinions on Susan the Debt collector
The only fairytale adaptations that managed to capture the "magic" of a fairytale while putting their own twist in the stories they were adapting
Sonia & Reiss
Do you think Dina is pretty?
What was Barbie thinking touching the frosting?
What are your opinions on these movies?