Your most rewatched sitcom
Which sitcom has the best ensemble cast?
What role could Salma Hayek play in DC/DCU?
Only way to control the speed on this treadmill are the tiny barely responsive touchscreen buttons at the bottom, making it nearly impossible to slow down while running
Something lighthearted I can binge watch after work? (Non sitcoms)
What is a sitcom that you couldn’t finish all the way through?
Tell me your favourite wrestler and I'll rank it
What was your first concert?
drop your top 5
Stay Alive (2006) !
What kind of turtle is this?
Any opinions on this??
This relationship is everything to me.
Which elderly celebrity is gonna make you lose it when they die?
literally the cast of new girl
Did Danny not know the gay subtext of the “baseball scene” in HSM?
I was so excited to eat my quesadilla
What's your "oh hell nah" challenge?
Mixing EVERY Salad Dressing Into A Super Dressing
Which sitcoms do you believe is not talked about enough?
I watched this every time it was on in like 2007/2008
Who´s the most underliked player on Survivor (in your opinion.)
Suggest me a show based off of my top favs!
Which sitcoms did you watch that you became obsessed with?