Have our mothers forgotten what postpartum is really like?
Do you feed every time your LO wakes up at night?
Do you really have to go to bed early when you have young kids?
Sex and breastfeeding
what’s a bitter life lesson you learned from your longest relationship?
do your boobs get smaller as you nurse less?
Worried about baby when I go back to work because nobody else knows how to soothe her
My 4.5 month old is refusing his last nap and it’s sooo exhausting!
Help! Painted whole dining nook too dark when I should’ve stopped at accent wall
Does anyone sleep with earplugs?
Being induced in 10 hours. Need reassurance/advice.
Sleep cue importance
Are your distracted eaters slowing their weight gain
Books you refuse to read to your kids?
What improved your quality of life so much, you wish you did it sooner?
I feel like I’m failing my baby. She’s 5 months.
Postpartum changes you didn't expect
Don’t give parenting suggestions unless asked or you really think it’s be helpful:))
Bedsharing has done nothing to help with baby’s sleep
Bilateral asymmetry and “extremely dense breasts”
What do you wish someone had helped you with when your first baby was born?
Daylight saving kicking our butt
Did anyone get sick and their baby not catch it 😭
Baby is ALWAYS overtired and I think it leads to horrific false starts and terrible night sleep
Calorie-dense healthy foods for breastfeeding moms