every upward arrow thingy this post gets means ill walk 1 mile by the end of the week
No one chooses their country of birth, so it’s foolish to be proud of it.
Would you pay $700 for this?
why do you claim your standards are so low?
Eating cows should be considered as crazy as eating dogs would be.
I put a needle through my finger nail
Name this country
this image is red
Can you ever piss straight ?
Why do people have such high body counts
So, so close…
NEW WR - 240 at Silicon Valley Regional
Are you all really so touch and affection starved?
Thought I aced it 😭🙏
Gifs are horrible and should not exist.
which university do you plan to enter?
do men or women have it harder in life?
South Park is an overrated show for (predominantly white) wannabe edgy nerds and outcasts
French nuclear attack submarine arrives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada after threats from Trump
Whats the Most Scariest Game?
What are the best weapons for stealth?
First impressions 15F :3
Gordon's Hell Kitchen
where should i go on vacation
Is it unethical to abort and retry your child if it comes out mentally impaired