Seen in Cluster K
What is everyone's top 4?
What's your favorite song lyric?
What is your fav slow burn movie ?
Films with this vibe?
'What's This Piece?' Thread #207
What is everyone’s current four favorites and last watched?
I just recently got into Doom Metal. Could I have some recs???
Whose faces would belong on a Mount Rushmore of metal?
What’s the band furthest down you listen to regularly?
RHO DRIVERS: What's the best thing of this truck?
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
Time remains constant.
Improved form with your advice
Bands that got progressively better and better over their career.
What’s your favorite metal band from Texas? (The map is for Americans to show them where Texas is)
What album is like this
a cool guide to the ultimate anime recommendation flowchart for beginners
What is the first movie that makes you realize cinema can be this
110kg / Last set of 3x5. How am I doing?
a cool guide to 99 Mind-fu*k movies
A cool guide to why squatting is healthier than sitting while pooping.
LinkedIn Pickup lines
Meshuggah saw the cruelty of life and found…
Hot hot dog