Dear changelings: humanoids only want one thing and it's disgusting! What is it?
What do miles and Julian's costumes look like when they defend the pass at Thermopylae?
Are people from the 24th century no longer susceptible to diarrhea?
A Bolian a Vulcan a Human and a Ferengi get trapped on a deserted planet. No technology or food. Lots of water for some reason. Who gets eaten first?
Captain Archer's dog Porthos was actually in command of the ship
What is the Vulcan science directorate opinion on the tooth fairy?
Why are Tom Paris arms so hairy? Wrong answers only.
Is there a holo program that allows men to simulate giving birth?
Wait why does Admiral Kirk need permission to take the Enterprise to the Genesis planet? Isn’t he an Admiral?
Do they have tik-tok in the mirror universe?
One of these rolling airlock doors on DS9 crushed my foot into a pulpy mess. Can I sue the station?
Are there actual worms in the Bajoran wormhole? How often do they clean those ships?
Voyager S4E13. Remember when the Doctor agreed to xenocide?
Are starfleet officers trained on the usage of common 21th century technologies (like toilets, computers, ice cream machines, etc) in case of time travel?
Missed oportunity
Can you die of snu-snu in the holodeck if you deactivate the security protocols?
For temporal investigation agents: is the lottery a trap for time travelers?
Can the UT translate jive?
Which Captain would win in a hot dog eating contest?
Ensign Kim can’t be promoted until he marries Tom and Kes’ daughter
What superpowers would I get if a radioactive Mr Worf bites me?
Which Voyager male character would be better of as a female.
Does the universal translator bleep foul language when translating for kids?