I found a planet that looks like earth
I’m The Homelander. Ask me anything.
I have no IRL life.
What games should i play?
Please just release the updates at the same time
is there a lore reason why the moon lord does not have nipples?
Tracer (Croove) [Overwatch]
What's one thing you want to do before you die
hi, my friend told me my dat house looked hideous, he’s probably uttering bs or something, what are your thoughts on it
Just a fanart of the mechanic =) (by me)
What are u on?
What is a dani dev
“Everyone is here!”
Drop 3 recent used emojis I'm gonna judge yo asses 🥸
With great power comes….
why are you still single?
Who would you cast in a man movie?
Ok can someone tell me what the fuck is this shit
Rating how attractive you are irl based of your username
Heartfelt message on a wholesome website
I need a boyfriend
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