It is terrible to turn down a job I don't want, even though I've been searching for a while?
Ailo on Google Play -"Scam" most popular user review topic
We think you'll get bored
Internet provider Gippsland
Pet Outside Only
What do I even do with this type of feedback?
I Finally Got an Offer After Four Months of Being Unemployed. Some Thoughts.
I thought this belonged here
Is it just me or is this "healthy living" pamphlet my work set out really patronizing?
Rental property was not reasonably clean when I moved in. I brought this up with the agent and this was his response. What do you think?
Confused about reporting
Guest list
Property not 'vacant' upon moving in
Ray White Home now
Normal Stool then diarrhoea?
IBS gone after 8 years
I utterly hate CPAP (a rant/problem)
Bowel endo friends, how do you manage constipation?
What are your IBS hacks?
Losing all hope 😔 and considering cancelling my lap
Who here with ibs also suffers from anxiety?
Can sleep apnea be reversed with weight loss?
How do you all cope with the anger of being dealt these shit cards in life?
Diarrhea that feels like vomiting out of your butt lol
AUSTRALIA: Can someone please explain to me like I'm 5 how the whole process of getting diagnosed works?!
Due time for assignment?