You get to bring back one cancelled tv series for a final season, which are you choosing?
What is it about your sex life that you like a lot these days?
How many times are you switching positions in 1 session?
Other than a bedroom, where was the last place you fucked?
How long are missionary rounds for you and how many rounds do you go (all ages but mainly 18-early 20’s)? Straight Pounding and mention breaks if there are any.
Has anyone here found a relationship on a dating app since 2020?
Are you happy with your boobs or do you wish they were bigger or do you wish they were smaller?
How many of you actually want kids?
If you are over 50 and if your partner passed away, do you think you would actively try to find a new partner?
If you had a personal chef to make you anything you want to eat right now what would it be?
How long have you been using Reddit?
What’s the next thing you want to check off your sex/kink bucket list?
How do you tell your partner you want them without using words?
What clothes do you find men sexiest in?
Do you believe it’s possible to be slutty but only for one person, or does that go against the definition?
What are some bedroom products you had never heard of before?
Let’s say reincarnation is real. What kind of person will you be after your rebirth?
Can you summarise your sexual preferences with emojis alone?
From now on, you can only fuck in one position. Which one do you choose?
What was your best tinder/bumble first date?
Did you hear about that guy that got turned into an owl?
What steps seem perfect for you in a relationship?
What are you doing for st Patrick’s day?
Ok one more before bed but what type of person do you want to marry IF you wanna get married?
What's the point in working out ?