Ma gandesc sa devin profesor de informatica
Bucuresti, cimitir al tinereti mele
How do you operate IBKR?
Sunt naspa ca vorbesc cu o femeie dupa o luna de la divort?
my little combo
It's kinda funny that Robert was right about dany
Poate sunt eu neștiutor. Ce rol are aceasta dotare?
Fellow Swedes in Zurich??
BREAKING Biroul Electoral Central a respins candidatura lui Călin Georgescu
How people think young Robert was // How he actually was
Se poate indrepta?
This tree in Palm Springs
It is said that King Aegon went to bed with Queen Rhaenys 10 times for every 1 time he went to bed with Queen Visenya. What are the implications of this?
De ce nu cresc salariile in IT???
Telefoane Rezistente in timp
Anti-Muslim sentiment is everywhere, according to Swiss study
You guys can call me down bad I want her so bad lmao.
Expatilor, de ce ati plecat?
Peste 3 săptămâni adopt o pisicuță
Cum as putea sa il numesc? L-a luat nevasta-mea de ziua mea
Passports come in numerous shapes and editions. I like the new one.
Ferrari SF90 Stradale
If you pit Cookie Monster pajama white girls that talk like latinas into the Duncan Idaho machine...