Who do u think this is supposed to be? I see Roman and Braun strowman for the first and mick foley and finn Balor for the second (the first is supposed to be the rock and Roman and the second is supposed to be Damian priest and Finn balor)
Tell me your favorite WrestleMania logo
Give me a WWE wrestler
Who is the most overrated wrestler everyone else likes but you don’t I’ll go first
Kids going places
Who is the most overrated wrestler that everyone else like but not you I’ll go first
I quit fn in 2020 and came back in 2021 but still liked nick eh 30
Wtf is Jon Moxley and Darby Allin
WWE Women’s War games 2023
Describe this suit in 1 word
Who's your favorite WWE superstars theme song I'll go first
What is Randy Orton’s all time best feud?
What background makes the best pro wrestlers?
"Smackdown spoilers" Who will be the fourth woman?
So, how long until the new and improved Damage CTRL implodes?
Who do you think at this point is a lock for the HoF?
C is for …
Name a wrestler that’s from your state I’ll go first
name this tag team
Who would you prefer to return at Suvivor Series
Who is this guy wrong answer only
What breed is my kitten? (Wrong answers only.)
Yo I was at fastlane