People not knowing incredibly basic words
This is extremely disturbing..
'Is that your real hair?!'
Guys, how long would you keep a work flirtation going without escalation out of nerves or because of HR?
How lucky are you?
I need a fancy plate
Coworker’s Baby Isn’t Her Partner’s
What's a physical trait you find attractive that other people may not?
Men in Love Are Just Too Precious
If that were your cat, what would you call it? (painted by me 2024)
Should I make my fiancé pasta from scratch?
I 23F feel bored withy boyfriend 23M
unlucky cat
should i leave my boyfriend for good
Should I double text a girl I am talking with?
Should I stop smoking weed?
Meet Mr. Butters
beuetiful wives:)
Are guys even attracted to chubby girls?
AIO? My friend came over to tell me about a guy my bf put her on now he’s upset with ME?
Am I overreacting to my boyfriend letting someone who groomed me back into his life?
Do guys find women with deeper voices attractive?
Breakfast pizza
How loud is your sneeze?
Is it wrong to date your 2nd cousin?