What's a httyd opinion you're defending like this?
I wish they made a short on what happened to the village while hiccup was in a coma
Bro I’m so hyped for the live action movie
Skrills and rumblehorns
What are your thoughts on the Twins and Barf and Belch?
My Deathsong OC New Reference
Hot take: The night lights aren't cute.
Tournament of Dragons Group D: Hobblegrunt vs Shockjaw (which you like better)
Do you think the Elder Night Light is Toothless?
hey guys
Out of these dragons which one would you train?
closer to finishing my skrill 🤞
Which character deserves their own spinoff game and what would that game be? (No Shadow)
What happened to shattermaster?
What are your three favourite dragons not from the main trilogy?
What’s your favorite dragon?
Todays question: What if Dagur didn't turn good?
Tournament of Dragons GROUP A: Gronckle vs Snifflehunch (which one you like better)
Day 42 of drawing every dragon in chronological order (dramillion)
Live Action book
Do you think Toothless knew Hiccup shot him down. I personally think he knew from the start.
Day 40 of drawing every dragon in chronological order (slither wing)
Now that the trailer is officially out. What is your option on the LA?
Before "Homecoming", I had the headcanon that Toothless and his family knew Hiccup and Astrid were nearby thanks to StormFly notifying them as a tracker class. I still like it