What's the MOST Underrated Suburb in Perth?
Sale of IP for Lifestyle Reasons
R25 Zoning
Feeling Behind
Earning 10k per month
Considering Playing Again
Deciding not to buy a house
Are Perth house prices going to go down in 2025? Should first home buyers buy ASAP or wait for later in 2025?
Questioning a big jump in roles
Is Perth the perfect city?
People over the age of 30, what would be your advice for people going into their 20's??
Morley Galleria is a disaster
Interstate property investing in perth from sydney
180k job, saving ~120k by the age of 40, am I unreasonable for not rushing into property market?
WA government to support lithium industry with $150 million lifeline, amid price crash
I am 20 and have saved 25k. Is my goal of reaching 100k by 28 realistic?
Advice - time to buy a house
The Bubble Has Burst
Is Landsdale / Darch a good area?
Another housing post. What else would we be doing on a Sunday
Query About Long Service Leave
What cars have you owned?
Why owning a house is out of reach for so many Australians (SBS)
Survey for the Galleria
Perth housing crisis