Oh hey! I just moved in across the hall, nice to meet you!
I recently started getting into houseplants, is this a bit excessive?
Do you think it's time? 27 yo
Beard or mustache?
She makes me smile
Whose backyard is this?
Well I did it
Why are the bottoms of all of these clouds so uniformly flat?
Beard or no beard?
Finally shaved it off at 24, how does it look?
Finally shaved my head clean
bald vs hair? Reddit help me!!
sustainability box from plnts.com
Is this a shave or keep for a 41 year old ?
That fresh feeling
20 year old me vs 30 year old me. Yeah my head is pointy, but I've accepted it
Strange clouds
I’ve never repotted a pothos and I’m worried about damaging it. Would love some tips!
One of my favorite plants
My little kitchen jungle—favorite spot in my home!
Florida Panhandle
My favourite aquarium jar I’ve ever made
Jackson Rutledge
Need advice for my Red bristle philodendron