Apparently I am I Bigot if I don’t support LGBTQ.
I'm sick of this subreddit.
person pulls gun on preacher
The Bible’s position on homosexuality is negotiable
Does god still love me if I’m trans (mtf) and can’t stop sinning? I’m scared
Stop drawing pictures of Jesus. You don’t know what he looks like.
Why do I get mad when someone doesn’t believe in god?
is it wrong to buy food on the sabbath?
Almost 30 with no actual career. Need help asap!!
I'm 43 and single...and I'm okay with it
How do i become a villain? Because being good has caused me extreme suffering. I just want life to stop hurting. Help me please.
I only want to eliminate and suppress attraction to women
Men stop fucking blaming yourselves, women are just as bad yet they are getting dates.
I’m 5’5’’ and I hate myself because of it
I told my therapist how y'all said squishmallows are good migraine pillows and she gave me one from her office!
"Did Jesus Abolish the Law or Fulfill It? (Matthew 5:17 vs. Romans 10:4)"
Text message from scammers saying I have tolls due. I DON’T EVEN DRIVE!