If someone woke from a 10 year coma and asked what's going on, how would you reply?
What's one thing you do to relax?
what do yall think? should i upgrade or i should wait some years?
How did you know you were ready to have children?
Passed the data engineer associate exam today , although it’s an associate exam , I found it overwhelming in some places
What's an underrated job that pays well?
What's the best way to save money?
Why do you use reddit?
Is it worth it?
What's one purchase you regret the most?
What's the best way to reset your mood after a stressful day?
What song instantly changes your mood?
Whats stopping you from living your dreams?
I am SAA-03 Certified
What’s the best way to show someone you love them?
What's the funniest way you have ever been rejected in relationship?
If your EX text you "Baby I love you, I want you back". What's your reply?
What are some red flags that immediately make you suspect a scam?
How often do you compare yourself to others?
I am certified AWS SAA C03 !
What’s one thing that can make you happy right now?
What was the biggest mistake you made during college?
I just got certified as an SAA Associate this morning!
What's your dream job?
Be honest, what’s one thing you wish you could tell someone but never will?