ELI5: Why do we keep smelling something that smells funny?
Why is Tasmanian, devil?
What’s your most random turn on?
If a baby is born on a plane, what citizenship do they get?
I don't get it. If we evolved from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys?
What’s everyone playing tn ?
Gwen Stacy (by Ana Chuu)
What's a moment in your life where you realized you were actually the villain?
Would you rather always feel like you have to sneeze but never do, or always have an itch you can't reach?
ELI5: How do vaccines work to protect us from diseases?
How do vaccines work to protect us from diseases?
If you could have a superpower for 1 day, what would it be?
Who's your favorite Grand Theft Auto villain of all time?
Why do dogs spin before they lay down?
What is something you secretly judge people for?
What games are you playing this weekend?
What’s a harmless lie that you tell people all the time?
What game franchise does this?
Should I be concerned my memories and dreams are all in third person?
What made you laugh this week?
If time is money, why do we spend so much time on things that don't make money?
What do you suggest to resist emotional eating?
What game made you swore not to play it again after completing it?
Why don't we ever hear about billionaires or any rich folk losing their car keys?
What's something you irrationally fear even though it's unlikely to happen?