What advice would ever give to your kid or nieces and nephews?
If i ever become a sugar mommy
Aunt Lydia
Which wild traditions exist in your community/tribe or family?
How did y’all spend your valentine?
Children will humble you
Fat people.
Panda Kitanda
My biggest win… I changed this.. even if I die today … I have left the world a better place than I met it…#Intersex
You can't make this up
Is this reply fitting or should I just keep it this way?
Why do some people obsess over having white kids
Mbona unapenda kujifanya mzungu?
Rape, Defilement,sodomy.....
Rejected and Ejected
Men help me understand something
Why touch people just because you can?
Sichekeshi wasichana anymore this year
Why are people like this!!?
Bare minimum
Does valentines mean that much to you?
She stopped her periods...
Murugi Munyi
People who have been outside Kenya whats one thing that we take for granted but it’s actually precious