I don’t like when people say "You’re overthinking it."
I don’t like unspoken social rules
I don’t like when people repeat the same point over and over
I don’t like when people ignore logical inconsistencies
I don’t like how platforms shape content for engagement rather than value
IDL waking up ending my dreams halfway 😩
I don't like when people try to overstep my boundaries..
I Don’t Like Black-and-White Thinking
I don’t like how our vocabulary keeps expanding with new terms popping up everywhere, especially on social media
What are your weird but real pet peeves?
I don’t like when people ask "How do you feel?" but only want a specific answer
I don’t like feeling guilty for saying no
What’s a small, everyday thing you just don’t like?
I don’t like sacrificing sleep for anything
I don't like this!
I don’t like how the mind takes shortcuts
Have you ever been so convinced by your own logic that you stopped considering other possibilities?
What labels do you hate because of your MBTI type?
I don't like when answers are too simple, too fixed, or too rooted in experience
I don't like it when everything is a political game
If human society is supposed to be evolving for 'progress,' why does it sometimes seem like we lose our 'humanity' in the process?
If you could change one social rule, what would it be?