Mike Hollow is legit poison to the FGC
Thoughts on Ian McShane as Blackbeard?
What moment in Tekken has got you like this?
There is a test pressing sell rn on the outer edge, did y'all get one?
What do i do with Victor?
What single thing would you like to ban immediately?
First run in 3 years
Thinking of buying a 159 2010 manual, anything i should know before buying?
The Downplay on Devil Jin is quite frankly insane…
Who is your true Tekken rival?
Her clutch master cylinder died last month, but sometimes I start her up to keep the battery charged. Need to get back on the road ASAP
What’s your actual Tekken PLAYTIME on a regular basis?
Honestly, I never quite got the Ganryu hate.
Why do some pros say this blud is not tournament viable. Also what makes him so scary.
What do you think of Anna's the new outfit coming from Tekken 7?
Does anyone else here lift weights in the morning on an empty stomach?
You’re in ranked, having some good rounds, chilling with a win streak. Suddenly, your Tax Character shows up. Who is it?
First Car- 2011 MiTo
Really? Tekken 8 Wifi rant
A Few Notes and Announcements from The Outer Edge & FEX - February 2025
Why are there days where you just can’t play
Why do people dislike Azucena?
Most important muscles to emphasize to look good/muscular in clothes?
Test press on discogs
I have to rest too long between sets because I'm still catching my breath