Character who is just a random guy that got involved in the insanity by just happening to be near the main character(s).
What is your ranged weapon of choice?
If you’re ever on a team with one healer, and that healer isn’t you, why are you throwing?
TIL The reason Ken Kesey boycotted the film adaptation of The One Who Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. Nurse Ratchet isn’t the villain. She is only a minion. 34:17
Why is GMO considered a bad thing?
Adolesence (2025) is not anti-men at all, and why it is the best practice to watch the media you hate before you can properly shit on it.
[hated trope] When Fascism is parodied too well and people unironically admire them
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Fan Theory. In Nocturne, night creatures aren't as loyal because they aren't forged by hand.
Truly the Heir of Aenarion
What is the dumbest thing you sent a boot out looking for?
At the turn of century artists drew only this and never did it again
Dammit, This game is GOOD.
Been playing for years, closest battle I've ever fought came down to this
(Liked Trope) Characters who are fully convinced they are another character
Heard we were doing manly memes
My precious boy grew so much
Happy Mario day (mar10) to all Mario-loving transbians! Here’s a bowsette comic for the occasion (source unknown)
"Don't Tread on me" MFs try not to be fascist challenge (impossible)
[Hated Trope] When you think the protagonist is just some random but it turns out they're actually related to the strongest person of all time