As an INFP-A, these are the things I admire in ISFJs
Any other Reiki peeps here?
My Reiki room
Just looking for some validation after my attunement.
I find pornography revolting now
The Red Book 📕
INFPs, what jobs do you guys have?
How do you guys upkeep your relationships?
What's the one thing you can't go to bed without doing?
Sending Angelic Reiki This Evening
From MDMA, Ketamine, and Psylocybin therapy, which is best for incest survivors?
Lovers of lab unite 💙💚
Made a pancake that had a near perfect gradient
What poor meal would you still eat if you were a billionaire?
What phrase from a video game is burned into your memory?
Reiki for Prosperity to All Who Comment in the next 24 Hours ♥︎
What‘s a non-physical trait you can find attractive in a person?
what's a movie you've rewatched a hundred times and still love?
My opal is dead
Which book changed your life?
Free Reiki & Attunements! ♥︎
What do you miss about the pandemic?
Do you remember what made/taught you to be kind?
What’s something you wish people would stop romanticizing?
Im looking for an abstract oracle deck