I 16F sent nudes to a 16M and another 16F of myself and they blocked me, am I cooked?
Needing some help with my nest thermostat 4th gen
Trump proposal to slash taxes on those making under 150k
This would be budgetary suicide for America
The Billionaire Bloodbath: U.S. Billionaires Have Lost $415 Billion Under Trump 2.0 - And Counting
HOW are yall pulling girls
Is there a way to recover from a text fumble or should I move on?
How old were you when your house got the internet?
I am only attracted to older men but I don’t understand why
He saw me kiss another guy
Whose death shook you the most?
Should i tell the girls that im having sex that im inexperienced?
24M Lost in life, not working, no education, in debt.
Still in love with my ex what do I do…
Girl Left Me On Delivered
Anyone just... doing OK?
19f and 25m, is the age gap weird?
Are women attracted to men anymore?
Fighting my urge to send sfw selfies to men online
I just spent an hour on hinge, I want to blow my head off
30F new to dating
Question for the guys