I love watching UC replays but look at that Arena 1 replay.
1 Damage Tiebreak win after getting BMed
Playing my second ranked game as a Bronzie, and I got two Grandmaster teammates lol. Is this common? I don't think the game considers player stats from other modes in the matchmaking process since mine are pretty bad.
I used to love Windows 11 but now...
What would you have wanted from Battlerite/Bloodline Champions successor game?
From Lambda Function to SAM sync
Make Your Own Longevity Mix for Cheap
If you could delete one card from the game, what would it be?
why has firecracker not gotten a nerf to her insanely stupid side range yet?
Any tricks to deal Tron Energy Market
For everyone thinking voting for 5 star drop is dumb
There is a reason for Glycinate vs Bisglycinate?
How do we know if something like this isn't happening again?
What happened with all those mood supplements?
This game is amazing! Why doesn't it have that many players?
Serious Question for the SelfHosted Community: Why aren't we on a selfhosted social platform?
Why do we still not have a proper way to address (ban/report) these manchilds
Water resistance
Picture gallery selfhosted?
Boat Attacks are utterly broken. Fix required!!
Which Linux distro keeps pulling you back, even after trying others?
SpaceDesk does not detect my Android Tablet via USB cable.
Anyone is using CoreOS?
smartest mega knight player
Optimizing swapping fees with ETH?