My keyboard after getting a new one
Just finished my spaceman battlestation
This hotpot restaurant seats a giant happy panda with you if you dine alone - so you’re not lonely
Turtle Turtle
Mayonnaise is made with a few basic ingredients and is very easy to prepare at home.
Poo York
The cooter fluter
Ellen Diddygenerous
I have the high ground!
Shocked it's actually being sold, this house is something else
How big is too big?
The Disappointment In Her Voice
Flexing a handgun in public in Canada ends in a very satisfying way
Elon Musk out of his mind on drugs during a CPAC interview.
Don Juan Pond is a tiny shallow pond in Antarctica that never freezes. This is due to its salt content being 44%, making it the saltiest known natural body of water on the entire planet.
A person flew a drone to Drake’s penthouse in Sydney, Australia, leading the rapper to throw a shoe at it in frustration
Flood gates opening anytime now since 2016
What is a lesser known show that is incredible to binge?
The only proper way to finish hauling contracts
Anyone else?
Stan culture is awful
Looking for people interested in couch co-op/multiplayer