With basketball becoming a year-round sport over the years for young kids due to AAU and basketball camps, doctors have suggested that the added mileage has led to a notable amount of injuries in the league today.
"Less Physical" - Shaq Explains Why LeBron Is Still In The NBA At 40 Years Old
The Last Dance has been labeled as propaganda. What was left out that would have made it more accurate?
Full rosters, all players in their primes, no injuries. 1996 Bulls vs 1987 Lakers. Who wins?
Who dominated their sport more Michael Jordan or Usain Bolt?
Rasheed Wallace places doubt on MJ’s 1988 DPOY award and his defensive ability
Which of these 3 fanbases do you believe has the most irrational fans?
Which team in NBA History is the best if every player is in there prime and healthy ?
I’m taking my talents to r/nba
Unlike the NFL, the NBA broadcasts regular season games on regional sports networks. How has this affected ratings?
Who is the greatest finisher in NBA history?
I Don't Care for Ringless "Legends"
Why do people actually debate this ?
Searched the sub and didn’t find much. What NBA records you think NEVER will be broken ?
[Inside the NBA] Shaq: I've got more rings than you and him combined [Chuck and Dwight]. I've got more rings than all of y'all.
Micheal Jordan didn’t have no comp in the finals
Which current NBA player has the highest approval rating across all fan bases?
Michael Jordan was vehemently against Zone Defense being legalized
If MJ had been the player with the lasting accumulative stats and records that LeBron has, would MJ fans still try to diminish longevity?
Averaging a triple double should guarantee you a MVP ?
When Michael Jordan dropped a playoff record 63 Points in a loss against the ‘86 Celtics in Boston 😮💨 Larry Bird said later “That was God disguised as Michael Jordan”.
Jerry Stackhouse admits that playing with MJ made him lose respect for him
Fans typically say that the star players from all eras would be able to adapt to any era. What about the bench players? Would they be able to?
He's 40