In Need for anime suggestions
Physical card game Vs. Video games?
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
I didn’t care when I was playing Labrynth but now that I’m dabbling in some Ninjas. Yeah you know what, ban Kaimen, ban field spell, ban Paidra, ban Chundra, ban Biden
Out of all WATER decks, which one is the most competitive in MD?
What decks do you hate going against?
give me ur favorite juice wrld song and i will rate it
Whats Your Favorite Unreleased Song?
Deck I built getting back into the TCG. Did I cook or does it need work?
Name the first 3 songs you show to someone who has no clue who juice is
Ask Me Questions About Him That Only A True Fan Would Know
Type “I love” and let autocomplete finish it
What is everybody’s favorite decks of every summoning mechanic?
Is Juice Wrld really not that likable?
מה הדבר הכי מוזר שקרה לכם בבית ספר?
What are your favorite archetypes to play? (like ignoring the meta, what do you love playing the most?) here's mine
Most annoying hero voice lines in your opinion?
What your opinion on this song
Who is a rapper you really enjoy but could probably never convince anybody else to like?
Arguably Juice Wrld’s best song
Name your Top 5 hardest juice songs that you play regularly and never plan to stop (no sad shit)
what’s the best and worst juice song in yall opinion???
Here is my anime tier list
What was the First Juice WRLD Leak you Listened to?