Impulsively Spending Need Investment Advice
How much do you guys make per month?
Are all guys like this?
Bargaining tips (needed)
Gift ideas Urgent! From the North!
Mango milkshake supremacy
First time
2 am and i think im in love with my g deep seek
Inconsistent adults. are you making money?
Inconsistent men. are you making money?
How do you know you are ready for marriage?
How do boys DM random girls
How the f do people without our condition just... Fall asleep.
Jobs that are suitable for people with ADHD?
How do you guys get your dopamine hits?
Loyalty in girls
Advice from men
Let’s talk
Scary Weekend ahead..!
Ex approached me
Anyone else feels overwhelmed?
I have never been sadder
Early marriage subreddit?
Why do people ghost ?? I just need an answer.