Guard dogs
How sharp are jsharts eyes?
A hacker and a sentry I kitbashed
Got into stargrave about half an hour ago, made a sniper
New DG troop?
I accidentally made another account exactly identical to my other.
Does he read as Mek?
WIP Serberys conversions
Just a git doin some lootin'
Kitbashing freebootas
Fork 'em over
Friend is making his first 500pt list
Just buy real drugs already
My kitbashed Iron Warriors Chaos Lord
Ak pigments
Me waboss iz done!
Dumb question about the snazzwagom
What’s his name?
Gave zoggrok a 40k makeover today
Watch him wield his mighty blade
Recommendations for my kt loadout (for imperialagents)
Battle of Prospero M3, Colorized.
Wanted to put burnas in my list,what should I improve?