I want to build my first pc because it’s cheaper than pre built but idk what I’m doing do these parts work together?
How did I do?
My CPU heat goes crazy but my cooler works and I dont even play anything
Help, CPU, DRAM lights on, wont post
Looking for a Gaming PC – Is This Used One a Good Buy?
Brother just bought this after doing zero research. Has he wasted money?
Rate my first pc (please, I need advice)
I pulled th trigger an got my first prebuild
FPS game build, is this good?
Which is better for the price? Both no tax
Buying a prebuilt
Good starter PC for the price?
FPS all over the place lol
Which one should I upgrade to?
Need some advice please
I've never built a PC before is this good?
Bought this for $1,900
Is this good for budget of 600$?
I’m building my first pc, it’s this good?
What is your favourite far cry game
Just unboxed this. Not sure its value
Worth it?
Thoughts on this?
Which one out of these graphics Cards would be the best Performance wise for me to get