What's your favorite song with a color in the title? My fav is Black by Sevendust off their 1997 self titled debut album. Now you go.........
Give me more great album covers
songs about not believing in love
Ragnarok is coming
Was there ever a album you bought because the cover looked cool and it turned out to be amazing? for me its steely dan‘s Gaucho
Started Collecting, AGAIN
Favorite CD to sleep to?
Album covers with some sort of reptile on them
thrift store haul, 50¢ each. how’d i do?
Brought in nice haul from trip to Portland, OR
Songs where each word is longer than the last
Songs with names in the form of [Pathway] to [Location]
Tell me your favorite song! I will listen and tell u what i think of it (and if i’ve scrobbled it)
Name a artist and I’ll tell you how many scrobbles they have
Songs that would be funny/badass as hell to die to
What was your first vinyl record you received or purchased?
Anyone else with an unhealthy modern prog obsession?
Any recommendations?
Whats the most amount of money you’ve spent on one cd?
Innapropriate songs for a funeral
Based on my current collection, would we get along?
Steal ur favorite cd from my collection
My friends at school make fun of me for my music taste; are they valid?
Give me recs please, I want to be less basic
is there an artists discography you cannot find anywhere?