Affordable Oil Change in Steamboat
Help identifying 2 leaks 2017 Dodge Durango 3.6
(PS4) H: ammo W: caps
h: 500 tresure maps cb2 w: 50 caps ea
H: 10,000 caps W: 10,000 Ultracite .45 Ammo
PS4 H: 10,000 caps W: 10,000 Ultracite .45 ammo
Some of todays yard sale finds! Some super cool pre-confederation large cents and tokens and a First World War death penny! (I know its not a coin, but Its still super cool!) See the captions for more details.
Start to my small stack. Physical investments📈📈
Price match at the LCS?
Badger finds one of largest collections of Roman coins in history during dig for food - Two archaeologists then found the 209 gold coins while visiting the cave of La Cuesta
That time the first seasonal Fasnacht event was nuked 🚀
h: weapons, caps w: only 2* pieces of armor listed below
H: Offers W: Weightless Chest and LA, with WWR and a 3rd star, combat or scout
[PS4]H:cranberry bog#4 & ash heap#1 maps W:45 caps each
People saying that "If you dont work hard youll be a garbage collector" is really stupid
Inventory I took before downsizing the collection I inherited.
One From Every Country: The Coin Noob
[Price Check] 3* JE90 Handmade - PS4
[PS4] H: 7 Nuclear Keycards W: 800 caps each
[PS4] W: Ballistic Fiber H: 5 caps per
[PS4] H: Medics Gamma Gun +33vats +50drwa W: Offers
[PS4] H: Chems/Aids, Some Legends W: Caps/Trades
[PS4]H:Emergency responders bot W:Karma
[Price Check] PS4 Instigating the Peppered Tenderizer 40ss +1A
[Price Check] 1* Fixers