BARC is set to build a new 190-MW submarine nuclear reactor,. The reactor will power P-77 SSN & S-5-SSBN. Later Variants may have 200+ MW power. Russian OKBM Afrikantov may help in developing these Reactors - @Varun55484761
Whenever a post makes fun of India like once a week
North Korea top rated 🌽 (NSFW)
Make love not war
Extremism against Extremists
Most wholesome comment section on instagram...
Mongolia Superpower by 2050
Japenis can handle suffer, Waste can't
Desh bhakti me koi kami nahi 👍
Pov of a tourist in bangladesh
Ukrainians erased him 💀
Can we actually bring some more people in this sub out of India ? its just feels like we made some little India here ,. Diversity is required to make this more fun . We Indians are too many here ( or everywhere)
Araps: Middle east would be peaceful without Israel. *Araps the next day:My terrorists better than your terrorists.
Hezbollah's terrorist shown his position getting heavily bombed by Syrian missiles in response to Hezbollah's kidnapping of three Syrian soldiers from inside Syria and killing them in Lebanon by stoning. The incident was filmed and published online.
Mumbai's First Red Room
What do you think? Waste of resources or Innovative step?
Is this it? I'm 25 and used to this for some years.
Madam is almost getting an attendance back, and wants to start an armed military rebellion
I guess Asia just China now. Also turkey Europe?
This map from a South Park episode.
We will make Pakistan and Bangladesh 100% turkish genes
Saar why you not apply colour😠😠
We are on the top saar🗿
Japan’s Gay Empire
Am iraq chai
Indian/Pakistanis in the UK are the only good thing about UK.
UK hooligans in a vape shop
Narangi cantonment in Guwahati had an uninvited guest for Holi