Seems like you’re snooPING AS usual I see…
Sonic VS Highschool! Inspired by LLBs from r/LodedDiper! (Please excuse the sh[chao!]ty drawings)
If the Hooligans (Fang. Bean, Bark, and maybe Honey and Trip) were to somehow get into the movie universe, how would you want them to be written and who would you want to voice them? (art by JoeAdok)
The Last Straw Abridged: Page 181-190
DOAWK: Överthrown ||Part XIX (19)
They used to be lovers
The villian on your birth month is ur parent
Nobody's gonna know
May the force be with her.
If you were knuckles how would’ve you responded?
McDonald’s Female Employee art again :)
Favorite character whose design is commonly misremembered?
Let's make every comment have atleast one wimpy kid title in it. (Image unrelated)
Name an LLB and compare it to something non-DOAWK related
What characters would you remove from the series?
DOAWK: Överthrown ||Part XVIII (18)
Favorite character you love in every universe (even the bad ones)
What is the most overrated LLB?
Give him ONE reason not to destroy the Earth.
What's your name?
It was normal until it wasn’t [TW]
Preview: DC x Sonic the Hedgehog #1
DOAWK: Road Rage - Part 1 [ Pages 1-7 ]
The Last Straw Abridged: Pages 171-180