Letterboxd Visits the Criterion Mobile Closet at SXSW
I found this in an Armenian flea market in Istanbul, I don't even know if it works. Just having the camera in my room is a great pleasure. Now I understand you analog lovers better.
My mom and 3 brothers 70yrs ago,my mom,myself 😊
Sınıfta herkesin homofobik olması
My grandmother (20) and my grandfather (25) after whom I was named (1959 Istanbul).
Cumhurbaşkanı aday adayı Ekrem İmamoğlu 13 Mart 13.00'da Bursa'da!
Finally got Faith on vinyl
Drakula İstanbul'da (Dracula in Istanbul) is a Turkish 1953 film version of Bram Stoker's original novel Dracula.
Philips Backlit Radio
Google TV (chromecast 4k) Android update (12 to 14)
Google TV) chromecast 4k) Android update (12 to 14)
Four Favorites
A small Universal Monsters Collection from Türkiye...
What is the oldest Criterion print in your collection? - La Strada (1954) Criterion 2003 print.
My DVD editions signed by Wim Wenders. Do you have any autographed editions in your collection?
My Sony setup
Do you only collect Blurays or DVDs too?
How old is the oldest Stephen King book edition in your collection? (Salem's Lot Turkish first edition October 1976)
Which Seinfeld character do you have a poster of in your room and greet every morning/evening?
Türk askerini savunduğum için savcılığa verildim
Found at thrift store for $2. I've never seen this in the wild and it's one of my all-time favorite films!