What is everyone’s favorite bass/guitar brand and why?
Who's in the wrong here?
Does Aerosmith owe any part of their mid-80s comeback to the popularity of hair metal, or would they have come back just as strong without it?
Underrated bands?
What does everyone think of this album?
Where do you rank this album among the Def Leppard Discography?
Top 15 (16) Hair Metal Bands By Album Sales
Top Ten Hair Metal Ballads
Who was the hottest woman in a hair metal video?
What is the greatest hair metal power ballad?
Thoughts on Kiss late 80s material?
Top 5 Vixen Songs…
Wellllllllll, maybe that child needs to hear about it 😂
Song/band recommendations for getting into the genre?
Feuds, greed, tantrums and fights. Following hard rock for a long time you know being a jerk goes with the territory. So who rose to the top? Who are the biggest jerks in Glam/Hair/Rock/Metal!
Quiet Riot - The Joker
What’s your favorite song from these guys( only 80s albums edition)
Which one would you play first? (Bottom row without cases: Vinnie Vincent Invasion -"All Systems Go", Stryper -"To Hell with the Devil", Dio -"Last in Line", Ratt - "Reach for the Sky". The black CD is White Lion "Pride")
Was Carmine Appice the only rocker during the glam period with a moustache? He always stood out to me in any band, because I don't think I ever saw anyone else with a moustache, let alone the distinctive one he wears to this day. P.S. This band should have been MUCH bigger than it was!!!
Now with this whole naming trend, I think most of us can name this band. However I need some people to actually call them by their true name instead of whatever derivative they come up with
Who are they ?
Name the band!
Favorite song by these fellas?
Name the band
[Request] How much would this Trans-Atlantic tunnel realistically cost?