Could I get the 50 super smoothies?
Is It worth to get tide popper? For context check description
Can I still get the 50 super smoothies?
Does using the narrow macro webhook thing take up storage/ screenshot things if I have only got this on or how does it update me on what's going on.
What should I change about my hive, what bees do I need?
Is this a good trade im pretty sure its an l but I needed it for a quest. What's a tornado worth anyway?
Hive help
Hive help?
Hive help (I make between 50-100b an hour macroing)
Is the honey I make whilst macroing good for my hive? If not, why?
K/R (I just got ssa and want to be a blue hive I only have 1b to spend and got this straight away.
What should I use the star treat on? After I only need 1 more for ssa? (Don't mind my hive)
What should I spend my start treat on I'm very close to ssa I need 1 more.
Hive help please.
How do I conver quicker I'm going so slow recently it takes me up to 10 mins for a 500m balloon.
I want to be a blue hive but I can't get a single boyant bee.
Should I macro bamboo field or pine field if I have this?
How does this guy make so much more than me?
What does this mean?
What is this about?
I want to clarify no hate to Natro Or any macros just a question.(Description)
Should I spend my star egg?
Who's hive is this?